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Breakfast with Benefits May 2021: Nick’s Nonprofit Notions

As the head of Numbers 4 Nonprofits I faced the challenge of managing our company and people through the pandemic.  With that experience and my 20 years of being a CPA and business owner, I thought I’d share some reflections so that others can learn from our experiences as well as hear my opinions on…

So, You Want to be an Accountant?

When people think about accounting and accountants, most immediately think, “spreadsheets, number crunching, boring.” Those of us in the accounting world tend to view our careers differently, and those of us here at N4N use our passion for numbers to focus solely on helping nonprofits manage their money so they can focus on their missions….

Creating a Successful Nonprofit Business Plan

Nonprofits and charities are usually not created from business plans but from so many emotions: fear, love, anger, happiness, pain, and passion. Causes that are a person’s passion usually see the most success in terms of the work done for the community as well as raising funds to keep that work going, but a business…

Outsourcing Your Accounting Services

Nonprofit organizations, and accountants, understand the need to count every penny. Staying on track with your strategic plan and achieving your goals is based largely on how your organization manages its money. Is your accountant on staff as knowledgeable as you have come to expect? Do they have the benefit of industry perspective and continually…