November 2020 Breakfast with Benefits: Social Media Advertising and Fundraising

As a benefit to nonprofit leaders and their staff, N4N hosts the Breakfast with Benefits series to give nonprofit staff an opportunity to get together (virtually for now), share ideas, and learn from presenters on current topics affecting nonprofits. Tuesday, November 10, 2020 8-9 am “Social Media Advertising and Fundraising” Presented by: Ron Giordan, Owner SynRG…

Critical Assistance for Educational Expenses

Foundation for Rural Housing is offering reimbursement for educational expenses because of COVID 19. The Foundation received a grant and certain qualifications apply. Below is the form. To learn more, please visit Foundation for Rural Housing. Click on the link below, download the word document and follow instructions from there. Supplemental educational expenses reimb.


BREAKFAST (at home!) WITH BENEFITS – May 2020

During these times, the way we hold meetings has changed but the benefits of networking and education has not. YOU ARE INVITED TO OUR VIRTUAL EVENT! Best Practices in Banking Q&A Your Questions Answered on Banking Security, Accounts, and Loans Tuesday, May 12 7:45 – 9 a.m. Virtual Zoom Meeting Presented by: Thomas Pope, AAP,…